Ensuring Safety, Compliance, and Peace of Mind with Expert Lead Paint Inspections.

Our services.

  • Comprehensive Initial Inspection

    The first step in the lead safe compliance process is a comprehensive initial lead inspection. An initial inspection for single family house (SFR) of 2000 sqft or less typically costs $500. The first unit of a multifamily costs $500 and an additional $250 per unit*

    *Subject to location and size of property

  • Final Deleading reinspection & Compliance

    If any abatement work needs to be done, it has to be re-inspected. The part of a re-inspection is the work needs to be inspected to ensure it was done properly. The second part is we take dust wipes that are analyzed at a lab to ensure there’s no lead contamination post abatement. The cost typically comes in around the cost of the initial inspection. The number of wipes is determined by the number of rooms.

    Once everything passes, we can issue the letter of lead safe compliance and you qualify for a State tax credit of up to $3000/unit.

  • RRP (Repair Renovate Paint) Inspection

    If you’re doing renovation work to your house, the surfaces to be worked on might contain lead paint. Have your project areas tested for lead paint to ensure the work can be done in a lead safe manner. RRP inspections start at $300 for most renovation projects.

  • PCAD (Post Compliance Assessment Determination)

    If your property previously had compliance but you need an updated letter of compliance, this is common situation where a PCAD is needed. PCAD costs are variable and might require waivers from the State. Having previous reports or compliance certificates can help to keep the cost lower.